Malline:Museo WD
Museo WD Script error: The module returned a nil value. It is supposed to return an export table. |
[[Tiedosto:{{{kuva|P18}}}|250px|Script error: The module returned a nil value. It is supposed to return an export table.]] Script error: The module returned a nil value. It is supposed to return an export table. |
Osoite | {{{osoite|P6375}}} |
Paikkakunta | {{{paikkakunta|P131}}}, {{{valtio|P17}}} |
Sijainti | {{{sijainti|P276}}} |
Tyyppi | {{{tyyppi|P31}}} |
Perustettu | {{{perustettu|P576}}} |
Lakkautettu | {{{lakkautettu|P576}}} |
Edeltäjä | {{{edeltäjän_nimi}}} |
Ylläpitäjä | {{{ylläpitäjä|P126}}} |
Johtaja | {{{johtaja|P1037}}}, {{{johtaja_alku|P580}}} |
Puheenjohtaja | {{{puheenjohtaja|P488}}}, {{{puheenjohtaja_alku|P580}}} |
Kuraattori | {{{kuraattori|P1640}}}, {{{kuraattori_alku|P580}}} |
Kokoelman koko | {{{kokoelman_koko|P1436}}} |
Henkilöstöä | {{{henkilöstöä|P1128}}} |
Kävijämäärä | {{{kävijämäärä|P1174}}} |
Kotisivut | {{{kotisivut|P856}}} |
Koordinaatit | {{{longd|P625}}}, {{{latd|P625}}} |
Commons | {{{commonscat|P935}}}, {{{commonscat|P373}}} |
<mapframe text="<strong class="error"><span class="scribunto-error" id="mw-scribunto-error-10">Lua-virhe kohdassa Moduuli:Wikibase rivillä 22: attempt to index field 'wikibase' (a nil value).</span></strong>" align="center" width="260" height="250" zoom="15" longitude="<strong class="error"><span class="scribunto-error" id="mw-scribunto-error-11">Script error: The module returned a nil value. It is supposed to return an export table.</span></strong>" latitude="<strong class="error"><span class="scribunto-error" id="mw-scribunto-error-12">Script error: The module returned a nil value. It is supposed to return an export table.</span></strong>">[{ "type": "ExternalData", "service": "geoshape", "ids": "Q1044613", "properties": { "stroke": "#555555", "stroke-opacity": 1, "stroke-width": 0.5, "fill": "#8aad18", "fill-opacity": 0.2, } } ,{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [Script error: The module returned a nil value. It is supposed to return an export table., Script error: The module returned a nil value. It is supposed to return an export table.] }, "properties": { "title": "nimi", "description": "Script error: The module returned a nil value. It is supposed to return an export table.", "marker-symbol": "museum", "marker-size": "medium", "marker-color": "0050d0" } } , { "type": "ExternalData", "properties": { "stroke": "#666", "stroke-opacity": 0.5, "stroke-width": 1, "fill-opacity" : 0 }, "service": "geoshape", "query": "# Third-level administrative divisions (muncipality) SELECT (?item as ?id) where { wd:Q1044613 wdt:P131* ?l3 . ?l3 wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q13221722 . ?l3 wdt:P131 ?l3_parent . ?item wdt:P131 ?l3_parent . ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q13221722 . FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?item wdt:P576 ?x2 } . FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q19953632 } } GROUP BY ?item " }, { "type": "ExternalData", "properties": { "stroke": "#666", "stroke-opacity": 0.5, "stroke-width": 2, "fill-opacity" : 0 }, "service": "geoshape", "query": "# Second-level administrative divisions SELECT (?item as ?id) where { wd:Q1044613 wdt:P131* ?l2 . ?l2 wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q13220204 . ?l2 wdt:P131 ?l2_parent . ?item wdt:P131 ?l2_parent . ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q13220204 . FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?item wdt:P576 ?x2 } . FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q19953632 } } GROUP BY ?item " }, { "type": "ExternalData", "properties": { "stroke": "#966", "stroke-opacity": 0.5, "stroke-width": 2, "fill-opacity" : 0 }, "service": "geoshape", "query": "# First-level administrative divisions SELECT (?item as ?id) WHERE { ?item wdt:P17 wd:Script error: The module returned a nil value. It is supposed to return an export table. . ?item p:P17 ?country . ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q10864048 . SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language 'fi' } . FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?country pq:P582 ?x1 } . FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?item wdt:P576 ?x2 } . } GROUP BY ?item ?itemLabel LIMIT 1000" }, { "type": "ExternalData", "properties": { "stroke": "#F00", "stroke-opacity": 0.5, "stroke-width": 3, "fill-opacity" : 0 }, "service": "geoshape", "query": "# Country borders SELECT (?item as ?id) WHERE { wd:Q1044613 wdt:P17 ?item . FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?item wdt:P576 ?x2 } . FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q19953632 } } GROUP BY ?item LIMIT 25 " } ]</mapframe>{{{mapframe-zoom}}} |
Huomautukset | {{{huomautukset}}} |
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